When importing files with paperwork-shell how to refresh paperwork-gtk

Is there an option to refresh the document list?

If I have paperwork-gtk open and import a file with paperwork-json import, then I first have to close paperwork-gtk in order for them to appear in the document list.

Could an menu item be added or the list be automatically updated?

Bonus question: Should this be opened as a GitLab Issue?


To be honest, I’m actually surprised that it works. I was under the assumption that there is a lock on the python-whoosh database that would prevent 2 instances of Paperwork (paperwork-gtk and paperwork-cli here) from using it at the same time. Well, I’m glad it does :slight_smile:

Could an menu item be added or the list be automatically updated?

I would preferably go for an automatic update. I assume it could be done on Linux using inotify fairly easily. Not sure regarding Windows, but I assume there is a similar mechanism available.

Should this be opened as a GitLab Issue?

If you want to make sure that your issue is not forgotten, then yes, opening a ticket on Gitlab is the way to go.

Best regards,

To be honest, I’m actually surprised that it works.

Well, it is quite useful :+1: I use it in combination with mutt and have a macro defined, that automatically imports attached PDF files.