Hi there,
I have a ocrmypdf process running and stumbled across this solution. Basically I was wondering if it was possible to have a web based UI for the annotation, tagging and training so that one could more and more leave the automatism „alone“ doing its work.
For a complex search one could open a fat UI but for „regular“ tasks I would prefer that to be done on my couch with an iPad.
I did consider making a web interface. But then again:
There are already many opensource projects doing that (MayanEDMS, Paperless, etc).
There are also strong and difficult security considerations. I don’t want to risk being responsible of someone having their whole private life pirated.
Also in general, I personally dislike web interfaces. I see them as lazy technical solutions, far too complex to deploy, and depending on far too many components (network connectivity, servers, etc). Moreover web app frontends often require Javascript, which I despise.
Anyway, maybe someday someone else will do it.
Have you considered using an other application, like MayanEDMS or Paperless for instance ?
Just so you know, in the future, I intend to work on an Android portage of Paperwork. One of the many reasons I rewrote Paperwork entirely for Paperwork 2.0 was to make the portage to Android less painful. One of my goals will be to provide an easy way to synchronize the desktop application with the Android application (I’m thinking P2P synchronization).
However it will require time, a lot of it.
And I don’t intend on making an iOS portage ; Apple products are far too closed and so I despise them even more than Microsoft products. Anyway it seems Apple’s app store terms of service are incompatible with the GPLv3 and Paperwork is under GPLv3.