Shortcut for scan next page

I started using paperwork right now. Thanks for all this work.

My topic is so obvious, that I doubt, nobody has spoken about it before:

I scan the documents on flatbed because pulling in all pages duplex is not reliable enough (pages sometimes are pulled in unaligned.)
I wonder that nobody has asked for a shortcut to scan again (push the universal import button on the top)?
Something easy to reach, standing between keyboard and scanner (Maybe an F key? F5 for instance?)


By shortcut I assume you mean a keyboard shortcut, right ?

It’s doable.

I think nobody has asked for it because the scan button is quite easy to hit with the mouse already. But I can add a keyboard shortcut easily. I just need to check if a modifier key (Ctrl, Alt, Shift, etc) as part of the shortcut is required or not.

Any shortcut that you would prefer ? Ctrl-Shift-S (‘S’ as scanning) and Ctrl-Shift-I (‘I’ as import) maybe ?

In my case, the scanner/printer is beside the desk and I have to stand up. So I am away from the mouse.
Usually I have to scan multiple pages, so I have to be by the scanner and turn pages.

How’s about defining a shortcut for flatbed single page scanning and another for the document feed?
If I can choose, I would prefer a single key shortcut, like F5 for single, F6 for all pages in feeder.

The file import is something I do, sitting in front of the computer. I won’t need a shortcut for this action.

Thank you for considering this. At least for me it will be very useful.