PyOCR 0.7

Mail posted on the old mailing-list the 2019/05/12:


I’ve released PyOCR 0.7.

Main changes are:

  • Drop support for Python <= 2.7
  • Fix: Make sure the builder objects can be used to parse box files
    even if Tesseract is not installed.
  • PyOCR version is now automatically set in the module by setuptools_scm
    instead of PyOCR’s Makefile (except on Windows)
  • Tesseract: optim: keep the get_version() in memory instead of calling
    Tesseract everytime (get_version() by psm_parameter() which is called
    time a box file is parsed …)

As usual, information regarding PyOCR is available at

Detailed ChangeLog is available here:

Best regards,