I just received a new PC today and it is pre-installed with Windows 11 Pro. (I also run Paperwork successfully on a very old Windows 10 machine and two systems running Debian 12. Data is stored locally on each machine and synchronized using Onedrive (on Windows) and abraunegg’s OneDrive on the linux machines.
I used paperwork for three years now. On my new laptop (windows 11 home) I installed and reinstalled the program now several times with the same result as described before. After the installation has completed, the cursor indicates the program is loading for a second but nothing happens. Any suggestions why this is still happening?
There were some issues with a previous version of the installer. Please make sure to uninstall Paperwork, re-download the latest installer, and then reinstall Paperwork.
If that doesn’t work, I’m going to need Paperwork’s log files. You can find them in c:\users\<your login>\.local\share\paperwork2\openpaperwork\logs (.local is hidden ; you have to make hidden elements visible). You can then send them to me to jflesch@openpaper.work.
It matches the bug caused by the old installer. Try deleting C:/Users/<your user>/.config entirely and restarting Paperwork. It is also hidden (like .local). Once Paperwork is working again, you will have to reconfigure it.