Problem with update with lastest version on windows 11

Hello everyone. I opened my paperwork today, and it indicated a new version. went on the website, downloaded the windows paperwork stable installer, ran it… and unable to start the app, that displays the message attached (basically tells me that the module has been built for an other version of python (5.9.5 instead of 5.9.8)

Capture d’écran 2024-09-15 172043

Could you help me? It would be hard to live without this great tool

ok… problem solved by myself… despite I was unable to guess how to perform the pip uninstall, I simply followed the 2nd step (remove the _psutil_windows.cp311-mingw_x86_64!,pyd) and paperwork started correctly. Not sure if there’s no side effect to this action on paperwork behavior, we’ll see after few hours.
However, you can delete my post… (or leave if in case other ppl may have the same issue)



Next time I suggest that you uninstall Paperwork before reinstalling it.

Whenever I can, I’ll see if I can make the installer uninstall Paperwork first before reinstalling.