I’m brand new here, so please forgive me if I was a bit too clumsy with the installation.
The problem arose on two different computers, however. I wanted to install Paperwork on an office PC with Windows 11. That worked well, no error messages. I was able to start the program and carry out the first simple steps. The next day I could no longer start Paperwork. Every click or double-click on the icon did not respond. No error message, no program start. But also no icon in the taskbar.
Then I installed the program on my old home PC under Windows 10. Again, the installation went smoothly. No errors. The program started, but only the first time. As soon as I leave the program, I can’t get back in. Just like on the other PC. But here is an error message. Something about Python, a lot of confusing text.
I uninstalled Paperwork on both PCs and reinstalled it. But the same thing again. Installation perfect, first start flawless, restart does not work.
I’m sure I’ve overlooked something stupid but important. Do you have a tip for me?
Thank you very much.