Paperwork 1.3.1


I’ve released Paperwork 1.3.1. It is bugfx-only release.

Main changes regarding binary builds are:

  • Flatpak: Updated to Gnome 3.34
  • Flatpak: The build for i386 is not updated anymore. Gnome SDK 3.34 + Flatpak-build 1.0.5 made it harder for me to build it. Since statistics show that most (if not all) users of Flatpak are on amd64, I don’t think it’s worth my time fixing the i386 build. If someone needs a i386 or arm version, they can still get one from Flathub.
  • Windows: All packages (poppler, GTK, etc) have been updated to the latest versions in Msys2.

Main changes in the backend are:

  • Backend: Check if thumbnail file is writable before updating it (thanks to
    Gregor Godbersen)
  • Backend: Make indexation more resilient to errors (corrupted PDFs, etc).
  • Backend: chkdeps: look for Libinsane (no known package yet)

Main changes in the frontend are:

  • Add spanish translations (thanks to Iñigo Figuero)
  • Frontend: Fix multi-scan dialog / scanning from feeder
  • Frontend: When looking for the scanner, if the exact ID is not found,
    fix fall back code
  • Frontend: About dialog: Add patrons

As usual, information regarding Paperwork installation and updating can
be found at .
Windows version is available here:

Best regards,