New users can only put 2 links in a post?

Hi, I wanted to start a feature discussion in Paperwork (general) and link to a few GitLab issues and embed some sample pictures, so I worked on the post a bit and when I wanted to hit “Create topic” it told me new users can only put 2 links in a post :frowning:

I think that limit seems a bit low? (linking to two issues and embedding an image would probably count as 3 links already) And what even defines a “new user” lol


This 2 links per post is the default limit from Discourse. It is set fairly low to reduce the risk of spam. You can still refer to issues by their ID. In which case later I can use my admin super-powers to edit your post and turn those IDs into links if you want.

“new user” are defined by the number of posts they have written and replied to (or lack thereof).

Best regards,