Libpillowfight 0.3.0

Mail posted on the old mailing-list the 2019/10/09:


I’ve released Libpillowfight 0.3.0.

Main changes are:

  • Add algorithm ‘scan_borders’: On a scanned image, this algorithm tries
    figure out where are the page borders. This algorithm is meant to be
    helper for scan cropping (it doesn’t work with all scanners).
  • Sobel: remove trailing lines at the left and the top of resulting
    matrix (and resulting image)
  • SWT: Fix memory leak
  • CMakeLists.txt: add SOVERSION
  • CMakeLists.txt: Use CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR instead of LIBDIR

As usual, information regarding Libpillowfight are available at

Detailed ChangeLog is available here:

Best regards,